Getting Texts from Our Savior’s

A few months ago, we were surprised to learn that, on very short notice, our church management system software provider was requiring us to have everyone we send text messages to to “opt-in” to receiving any further text messages. Frankly, the way they handled this wasn’t very effective: early on, if you didn’t reply to the text they sent with the exact word “YES” in all capital letters it wouldn’t recognize it. They have since improved the process.

As of this writing, we have 231 people who have opted-in to receiving texts and still have 222 people who have not opted in, or about 51%. We need to get those numbers up!

If you haven’t replied to opt-in, or if you haven’t received any text messages from Our Savior’s (from the shortcode 87447) since October, here’s what you need to do:

Text the word YES to 87447

And if you have questions or need help of any kind, please just call the office at (507) 847-2856 or call/text me (Pastor Ted) at (507) 832-0099.


Fourth Sunday after Epiphany, 2025


Fulfilled in your Hearing