Plan Your Visit
Worship Times
Saturday worship is at 5:00pm,
and Sunday worship is at 9:00am.
Jesus said to them,
“Come and see.”
614 Logan Avenue
Jackson, MN 56143
Office Hours (typically)
(507) 847-2856
Questions and Answers
Is there a dress code? What should I wear?
There is no dress code at Our Savior’s. Some people dress up, some people wear blue jeans. Whatever you wear, you’ll feel comfortable and welcome.
Where do I park?
Most people park in our parking lot to the north of the building. Because of the flow of the parking lot, we recommend that you enter the lot from Logan Ave.
What should I expect when I arrive?
Expect to be welcomed by friendly greeters. There is a rack of children’s activity bags by the door to the sanctuary. An usher will hand you a bulletin, and they are available to answer any questions you may have.
What is worship like at Our Savior’s?
In general, we stand to pray and sing and sit to listen to God’s Word. The words you’ll need for worship are available on a projection screen. If you’d like the sheet music for the service music or hymns, it is available in the hymnals you’ll find in the racks between chairs. The service lasts about an hour and includes prayer, praise, readings of Scripture, a sermon from our pastor, and Holy Communion.
May I receive Holy Communion?
We believe in the classical Lutheran teaching of the Real Presence of the body and blood of Jesus Christ “in, with, and under” the bread and wine for the forgiveness of our sins in Holy Communion. If you are baptized and you share this belief, you are welcome and encouraged to participate. If you have questions, please speak with our pastor before the service.
Do I have to give money in the offering?
No! In fact, as our guest we are simply happy to have you worship with us, and the worship service is our gift to you. However, Our Savior’s is entirely supported by the donations of people in our community, and your gift is also welcome if you choose to give.