Preparing for Lent
Followers of Jesus are called “disciples” because we are “disciplined” by Jesus. The season of Lent, which begins this Wednesday with the Ash Wednesday service, is a good opportunity to embrace the disciplines of Lent. These disciplines are ways for us to repent of our sins, grow closer to Jesus, and remember how dependent we are on God for everything. These traditional Lenten disciplines are:
Prayer — A weapon against the Devil, who hates your faith in Christ and would gladly separate you from him. Prayer will keep you close to your Heavenly Father.
Fasting — A weapon against your Flesh, which desires sin and daily seeks to turn your back on Christ. Fasting rebukes your flesh and reminds you that “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4)
Almsgiving (i.e. charity) — A weapon against the World, which uses poverty to create despair and drive out hope. Almsgiving both disciplines you to live on less and spreads hope in a world that hates Christ.
Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent is March 5. The Imposition of Ashes is intended to be a sign of repentance and submission to the disciplines which help you grow as a disciple. Come to worship that night at 7:00pm ready to embrace the disciplines of Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving and to begin to keep a Holy Lent.