News and Announcements

On Anonymous Criticism
It doesn’t happen very often at Our Savior’s, but the congregation council recently received an anonymous letter critical of some aspect of our congregation. The issue involved is irrelevant, but the theological implications are not.

No Secrets in Marriage
The less potential for keeping secrets in your marriage, the stronger your marriage will be.

Does God give you more than you can handle?
Does God really not give you more than you can handle? And what does that even mean?

What is Individual Confession?
Individual Confession and Absolution is a valuable practice for soothing troubled consciences.

Throwing the Baby out with the Bathwater
Lutheran social service agencies are not the corruption and waste that the Trump administration are looking for.

Retired Disciples?
Where do people get the idea that they’ve “Done their time” or that they don’t have to serve the Lord through the church anymore?

‘Holy Water’ and the Sign of the Cross
Are the sign of the cross and touching the water in the baptismal font acceptable practices for Lutherans?